Obernberger See, Austria - A Hidden Gem in the Middle of Nowhere


Summer temperatures have finally hit Europe. And while it’s great to have 30+ degrees on a beach, in the cities, it’s something completely different. On days like these, there’s nothing better than a quick getaway from the city and the heat. So why not head to one of the prettiest lakes in Austria, and a very hidden one as well: the Obernberger See.


The Obernberger See is located in the middle of nowhere. It’s easiest getting there by car, but there’s also a bus running regularly from Innsbruck. By car, it takes you around 50 minutes from the city to get there, and you simply head south along the Brennerautobahn. Then you take one of the very last exits before the border of Italy to get to the exact valley and then drive until you can’t go any farther and get to the parking area. Keep in mind that you have to pay a toll on the highway to gain access to the Brennerautobahn.


From the parking area, you have to take a short hike. There are two different ways to the lake. You can either take the walk through the field (keep in mind that there’s no shadow at all), or you take the dirt road which offers at least a bit of shadow along the way. It should take you around 30-40 minutes to get to the top depending on which way you choose and obviously your condition. Then you should arrive at the lake.

I’m pretty sure when getting there, you’ll be amazed by how crystal clear, blue and turquoise the water of the lake is. You can take a walk around the lake, which can take you way more than an hour, as you’ll be amazed by how big the lake actually is. Just on first sight, it seems rather small, but you’ll be surprised. There’s even a little island with a chapel in the middle of the lake.

Obviously, the lake is this clean and pretty for a reason. Due to the location (around 1500 metres above sea level), the lake stays REALLY fresh even during very hot summer months. Therefore, many people might visit the lake, but not as many people actually swim in it. Most of them rather just dip in a foot or two or use it for a very quick refreshment.

As mentioned before, the lake is really vast. Therefore, even on very hot summer days, it does not really get busy there. People head to different parts of the lake, just take a stroll around or decide on hiking on even farther. The chance of people actually choosing to sit right next to you is incredibly small. Just be aware that there’s no hut by the lake, so bring enough food and drinks with you (and take your waste back home with you!).

If you want to read more about my home country Austria, and all the things you can do here, I got you covered. Just click the link below to find all my other blog posts covering Austria to get inspired.
